Return of---The Summer Six Pack---traditionally years hottest deal!---includes Best of Show 99pt White!



Central Coast

$33 / Bottle

Albarino - 2018

That clever little man, Matt Kettman, from the Wine Enthusiast, must truly have an amazing crystal ball tucked away. He suggested in 2018 we do some single vineyard offerings of Albarino. Consistency is important to our white offerings so we literally thought “well that's probably never going to happen”. Well low and behold just seven months later we release this 100% single vineyard offering. That's a first for us, but it's just not labeled as such. Aromatically it jumps from the glass with hints of sauvignon blanc and lily blossom. It is varietally true, being all citreen, with crisp fresh limes dominating. So refreshing. The finish is surprisingly structured with a softness/biscuity toastiness reminiscent of a classical champagne.

Albarino one of the crisper aromatic varietals. We do all we can to capture these aromatics with long slow almost icy cold ferments. Our yeast choice is vital and the light fluffy lees component is fermented/matured in barrels. This enables us to stir these lees biweekly giving a rich, toasty and biscuity, blending component that complements the mouthwatering acidity.

The Spanish Springs Vineyard has been the core of this program since inception. It's unique flavor profile has garnered a particular following and much critical acclaim. Perhaps this comes from the seemingly endless growing season and resultant hang time as the vineyard is a mere 1.8 miles from the ocean. Close enough to catch a few waves during your lunch break. The soils are pretty damn interesting too.