Return of---The Summer Six Pack---traditionally years hottest deal!---includes Best of Show 99pt White!

Jeb Dunnuck reviews Brecon wines in August issue of The Wine Advocate

Jeb Dunnuck stuck his most discerning nose into some of Brecon’s current and upcoming offerings during bottling season. This is of course the absolutely trickiest time to taste wines, so we are especially thrilled to receive these scores in last month’s issue of The Wine Advocate!

2013 BE Petite Sirah - 90+ pts.
2014 BE Estate Syrah - 91 pts.
2014 BE Mourvedre - 90 pts.

Advanced scores from pre-bottling samples:
2014 BE Cab Franc - (89 - 91 pts.)
2014 BE Meritage/Reserve Cab - (87 - 90 pts.)