Brecon Estate Vyd Certified "Historic" by Historical Vineyard Society-- See Press page

“Brecon Estate” Celebrates Back-To-Back Best-of-Show Wins at Women’s International Wine Competition

Once again, judges at the International Women’s Wine Competition (IWWC) determined that Paso Robles winery Brecon Estate crafted one of the country’s most delicious wines. Brecon is pleased to announce that their 2023 True Acacia Head Albariño recently received a slew of accolades from the IWWC, including Double Gold, Best of Class, Best of Show White Wine, and a top score of 99 Points.

The IWWC, judged by women for women, is committed to the highest competition standards. According to the judging team, a record-breaking number of entries were submitted this year, and the competition was steep. These scores follow last year's success at the same competition, where the previous vintage True Acacia Head won Best of Show White Wine, Best of Class, and Double Gold, with a score of 97 Points.

Winning a Best of Show consecutively is almost unheard of, especially in the same competition. When asked how it feels to top back-to-back international competitions, founding winemaker Damian Grindley responds "This is huge. Winning a respected International show two years in a row is great exposure for Brecon Estate and the fledgling SLO Coast Appellation. I personally can't remember the last time a winery won the same prestigious title back to back.”

Additional 2024 IWWC wins for Brecon Estate include:

2023 Brecon Estate True Acacia Head Double Gold, Best of Class, Best of Show White Wine, 99 Points

2023 Brecon Estate Viognier Double Gold, Best of Class, 96 Points

2023 Brecon Estate Albariño (SLO Coast) Gold, 91 Points

A mere 450 cases of the 2023 True Acacia Head Albariño were crafted in 2023, inventory is unlikely to remain in stock for long. To celebrate, the brand is offering a limited-time Summer Special so folks can discover every award-winning white wine to decide their favorite.